Saudi Restaurant cleans veg in washing machine

Riyadh, January 14: A famous fast food restaurant in Saudi Arabia was caught on camera cleaning vegetables in a washing machine and local newspapers urged the authorities to take action against the restaurant.

A one-minute film published on U-Tube showed in Arabic that it was a McDonalds restaurant in the Gulf Kingdom but it did not mention where it is located nor could the film be verified to be for that restaurant.

The film showed a big quantity of vegetables are squeezed inside a large automatic washing machine inside the restaurant before it was turned on. It was not clear whether the washing machine is used only for this purpose.

“A famous restaurant is washing and drying its lettuce and other vegetables in a washing machine….where are the authorities…they should see this video and take action immediately,” Sharq Arabic language daily said.

“Several people called to enquire where the municipality is and what it is doing,” Alsaudi daily said.
