Saudi: One-year jail, fine of over Rs 1 crore for online slander

Riyadh: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) authorities announced the imposition of a fine of up to 500,000 Saudi Riyals (Rs 1,08,39,380) and one year jail term for those found to be slandering online, local media reported.

Online slandering can be defined as targeting an offensive word or phrase to a person who offends his/her honour, disparages or denigrates his/her reputation on social media.

The lawyer Nawal Al Dosari, described the “online slander” as one form of misuse of social media platforms.

“Technology is a doubled-edged weapon. While it makes it possible for everyone to find information about any person anywhere and at any time, it has enabled se-curity agencies to identify the person committing a disgraceful act against others regardless whether the offender has used a real or fake name,” the lawyer Nawal Al Dosari told Saudi news portal Akhbaar24.

In recent years, the Kingdom has intensified its efforts to combat cybercrime, as it registered dozens of those involved in various cases of online crime.

These include racist crimes on social media that are punishable by Saudi law with fines of up to 500,000 Saudi Riyals and a maximum of one year in prison.