Saudi Arabia slams racism against Muslim refugees

New York : Saudi Arabia has recently called on the international community to abandon racist speeches and contribute to raising awareness and responsibility in order to protect the refugees, Arab News reported.

Saudi Arabia has urged all countries, humanitarian agencies, civil society organizations and the media to renounce any racist speeches and contribute to raising awareness and responsibility in order to boost protection for refugees who face inhuman treatment even after fleeing brutal regimes and terrorist groups.

“We are facing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster since the Second World War as the UNHCR confirms that there are nearly 20 million refugees and 40 million displaced people, numbers that are increasing every day amid a lack of funding and the absence of appropriate mechanisms for protection”, said Saad Al-Saad, deputy permanent representative of the Saudi delegation to the UN.

The diplomat was addressing a meeting of the UN General Assembly on “Global awareness of the tragedies of irregular migrants in the Mediterranean basin, with specific emphasis on Syrian asylum seekers”.