Saudi Arabia: Inmates sentenced to flogging to get amnesty

Umera Riyaz

In an attempt to reform its legal system, Saudi Arabia is likely to issue an amnesty to those who have been sentenced to flogging as a punishment, according to Gulf News.

Okaz, a newspaper published in Arabic language, reported that the general assembly of the Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia in April has instructed all courts to stop flogging sentences in disciplinary cases. Flogging will be replaced with jail time, fines and other penalties.

Citing unidentified sources, the newspaper reported that court authorities have decided to issue remission of those who have been sentenced to flogging as a disciplinary punishment.

Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia had decided to abolish death penalty and execution of minors, a move hailed by rights advocates.

Saudi media reports said that the courts have been directed that jail sentences should not be longer than 10 years for minors charged with any criminal acts.