Jaipur: Setting a distinctive example of communal harmony, a government school in the city’s Bhatta Basti area in Shastri Nagar, teaches students to recite Quran and Sanskrit ‘shlokas’ — all under one roof.
“This is a Sanskrit School. Students studying here belong to the Muslim community,” Umeed Khan, who played a key role in getting the school set up, told ANI.
Jaipur‘s Bhatta Basti is a fabled Muslim dominated area. In the past, the region was reeling under communal away from the , the state-run school is trying to spread harmony among the students here.
The school conducts classes for the students of Cass I to VIII and in two shifts where these students are taught lessons in Urdu and the Quran in the morning followed by Sanskrit ‘ in the afternoon.
“These students are motivated by their parents and guardians to study Sanskrit in our school. Parents expect their children to get acquainted with the combined syllabus,” Deepak Sharma, a teacher, told ANI.
Over 400 minority students are studying in this state-run primary school here, who are well-versed in reciting Sanskrit ‘ (verses) and the holy lines from the Quran.