New Delhi: Actor Sanjay Dutt, who will be seen as Adheera in the upcoming film ‘KGF: Chapter 2’, on Friday announced the release date of the movie, which is scheduled for 23 October, this year.
The 60-year-old star shared the news of the release date on Instagram.
“Witness Adheera’s journey in cinemas near you as #KGFChapter2 releases worldwide on October 23rd, 2020,” the caption read.
Earlier on the occasion of Dutt’s 60th birthday, the actor’s fans were treated with his first look from the forthcoming film.
‘KGF: Chapter 2’ will mark Dutt’s foray into South Indian cinema. He will be reportedly seen playing the antagonist in the movie.
One of the most successful films of last year was ‘KGF: Chapter 1’ starring Yash. The movie that released alongside Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Zero’, performed remarkably well at the box office.
Starring Yash in the lead, the first part’s narrative follows an underdog who later becomes a dangerous gangster. The upcoming sequel is said to follow the power struggle between Rocky (Yash) and Adheera (Sanjay).
Helmed by Prashanth Neel, the film will also feature Srinidhi Shetty in a lead role. The first instalment of the film was also directed by Neel.