New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt took a walk down memory lane by sharing a poster of Bollywood thriller ‘Sadak’ which released 26 years back.
The ‘Khalnayak’ star took to Instagram and shared the poster of the film with Sanjay Datt and Pooja Bhatt on it, captioning, “Thank you Bhatt sahab for this one. #Sadak #26Years @maheshnbhatt@poojab1972”.
‘Sadak’ released to a tremendous response in theatres on December 12, 1991.
The ‘Munna Bhai’ star then received immense love and appreciation from the audience for portraying of his character Ravi, taxi driver.
On the work front, the ‘Bhoomi’ star is shooting for ‘Saheb Biwi Gangster.’ (ANI)