Indian Tennis Ace and Telangana brand ambassador Sania Mirza received prestigious Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award from President Pranab Mukherjee at Delhi on Saturday. The President bestowed her with the prestigious award on the occasion of national sports day. Sania Mirza is the second person in the country to receive such an exalted honour after Leander Paes. Those coaches who received Dronacharya award were Harbhan Singh (Athletics), Nihar Singh (Swimming) and Anup Singh (Wrestling). Arjuna awardees were Kidamba Srikanth (Shuttle Badminton) and Sandeep Kumar (Archery).
KCR congrats Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today congratulated Saniar for the award. In a press release he exuded confidence that Sania will win many such awards at national and international level. (NSS)