Hyderabad: Former film actress Sangeetha Bijlani has confirmed separation from former team India captain Mohammed Azharuddin during her recent interview. However she said she is still in touch with Azhar despite of getting separated. Expressing discontent over the film made on Azhar, she said she didn’t like the biopic of Azhar because the real facts in his life have been completely ignored. Everyone who watched the film will remember about the match fixing cases of Azhar.
Hitting out at the movie, Sangeetha said, there are many mistakes in the film and the scene that shows our first meeting is a huge blunder.
Sangeetha Bijlani who quit films after her marriage with Azharuddin told on the question of second innings in films that ‘I am approached by many filmmakers and I will sign interesting films soon.’
Azharuddin had tied the knot with model and actress Sangeeta Bijlani in 1996. After almost two decades, the couple parted ways and have been staying single.