New Delhi: South Korean multinational conglomerate Samsung Electronics unveiled the fastest and compact external storage new SSD T3 starting at a price of Rs. 10,999 for 250GB.
The SSD T3 can transfer 3 GB video in 20 seconds.
The new all-metal body SSD T3 will be available in India from March 21.
The T3 looks almost like a credit card and weighs around 51 gms.
“India is one of the first few markets in the world, after the US, other places to be getting the new T3 SSD. It is becoming a new interest area for the globe, especially consumers products, and it is one of faster growing economies,” said Sukesh Jain, vice-president, Samsung India Electronics.
The T3 is compatible across multiple operating systems and one can conveniently connect it to PCs, android devices and more. (ANI)