The successor to Samsung GearS2 smartwatch has finally launched, in India on Tuesday. The South Korean company’s Gear S3 smartwatch comes in two variants, Frontier and Classic. The smartwatch will be available from January 18 across Samsung retail channels and has been priced at Rs. 28,500.
The Samsung GearS3, the Tizen-powered smartwatch was initially launched in the international market at IFA in 2016 by Samsung. It has been priced at Rs 23,800.
Gear S3 does more than a regular watch, its analog look with its stainless steel body gives the durability it needs to take on some of the most adventurous outdoor activities.
The Frontier model of Gear S3 sports a rugged design with MIL-STD-810G rating. The sportier S3 has a slightly larger, raised bezel (also rotating) with rectangular, textured buttons. It’s also heavier weighing in at 62g, in comparison to the Gear S3 Classic’s 57g body. The Frontier model of Gear S3 comes with a Bluetooth or standalone LTE flavor and a cellular radio chip that allows the smartwatch to connect to high-speed 4G mobile networks.
The Classic variant has a more refined look with 46mm steel case which means it’s bigger than the S2’s 46mm case.The Classic comes with Bluetooth/Wi-Fi.
The Gear S3 comes with a 1.3-inch 360 x 360 pixels (278 dpi) super AMOLED always on screen with Corning Gorilla Glass SR+ protection on top. The display comes with an ‘Always On’ feature. It has IP68 dust and water resistance, built-in GPS, as well as a built-in speaker to make and receive phone calls, barometer, speedometer, and an SOS option. To activate the SOS option, one can triple-tap the screen which sends a notification to the pre-saved list of friends or family members in case of an emergency. It is powered by a 1GHz dual-core processor. They are powered by a 380mAh battery.