New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday slammed Sam Pitroda, a confidant of Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, for questioning the death toll in the Balakot airstrike in Pakistan, saying that Pitroda has “kick-started the Pakistan National Day celebrations on behalf of the Congress”.
“The most trusted advisor and guide of the Congress President has kick-started the Pakistan National Day celebrations on behalf of the Congress, ironically by demeaning India’s armed forces. Shame !” tweeted Modi.
Pakistan observes its National Day on March 23.
In a series of tweets, he said, “Loyal courtier of Congress’ royal dynasty admits what the nation already knew- Congress was unwilling to respond to forces of terror. This is a New India- we will answer terrorists in a language they understand and with interest!”
“Opposition insults our forces time and again. I appeal to my fellow Indians- question Opposition leaders on their statements. Tell them- 130 crore Indians will not forgive or forget the Opposition for their antics. India stands firmly with our forces. #JantaMaafNahiKaregi” the Prime Minister said on the social networking site.
Pitroda, also the chairman of Overseas Indian National Congress, in an exclusive interview to ANI, questioned the death toll in the Balakot airstrike conducted by the Indian Air Force in retaliation to the Pulwama terror attack.
“If they (IAF) killed 300, it’s ok. All I am saying is can you give me more facts and prove it,” he said.
Pitroda referred to international news outlets reporting a contrary view on the impact of the air strike and asserted that the people of India deserved to know the facts about the operation.