Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan says he was shocked to see his brother-in-law and actor Aayush Sharma’s huge physical transformation from his debut movie ‘LoveYatri’ to his upcoming film ‘Antim: The Final Truth’.
From his ripped, toned body to acing the nuances of his character, Aayush imbibed the traits of Rahuliya, a dreaded yet relatable gangster, he plays in ‘Antim: The Final Truth’.
Salman, who essays the police officer who would be locking horns with Aayush’s Rahuliya, said: “I was shocked, there’s been a huge transformation from LoveYatri to Antim. He’s worked so hard in the film, that his work will be appreciated.”
Director Mahesh Manjrekar added that Aayush worked really hard on the physical transformation.
He said: “We needed a very tough looking guy. I realised this boy has a lot of passion and he’s extremely focused, he knows what he wants to do, I think he has done a brilliant job. Nobody I see in the industry today would have played Rahuliya so brilliantly and so convincingly.”
Aayush Sharma has followed a strict diet and rigorous training for months to achieve the results we witness on the screen.