MUMBAI: Salman Khan on Thursday put out a sharp message to the “jokers” who were flouting government-imposed guidelines and venturing out during the ongoing lockdown, putting at risk countless lives to the deadly coronavirus.
In his characteristic ‘Bhai’ style, Salman also appealed to people to not attack doctors, nurses and police personnel who are in the frontline of the battle against COVID-19.
In a 10-minute hard hitting video shared on Instagram he begins with a “Hello, namaste, salaam, sasriyakaal, Kem Cho’ in typical TV reality show Big Boss style and goes on to say ‘Zindagi ka Bigg Boss’ has begun with the entire country staying in lockdown mode at home.
He said he had taken a two-day “chhutti” (leave) but “This corona, Covid-19 has given everyone a ‘chutti’.” Khan said he was staying at his farmhouse in Panvel near Mumbai with his family including his mother, two sisters their children and some other people who had come to visit.
In the video, he said that he had sent a friend to get rations for the family from a village around five kilometres away. He recounted that the police stopped him and in the process, his friend took off the mask to speak to the policeman who reprimanded him and asked him to put the mask back on. Salman said that he too chided his friend for doing such a thing.
“Don’t go out, don’t do social gatherings, stay with your family, the government has said if you are doing namaaz, do it at home, do pooja at home…” the actor said, adding that those who had a wish to kill their families should step out.
“Go out get your ration, nobody is stopping you, go nearby but wear your masks, your gloves, go alone,” the actor said underlining that the government has assured that everybody will get ration.
The actor said that whoever does not understand a coronavirus positive patient’s pain is anti-human.
Salman concluded by urging people to respect the work of the doctors, nurses, police personnel and those who work in banks, take care to ensure that the disease does not spread further and pray that it does not come to a situation where the military has to be called in to stop people from doing the wrong thing.