Mumbai: Bollywood actor Salman Khan replied to the Maharashtra State Women’s Commission on Wednesday. The commission had asked the actor to appear before it on Thursday.
But Salman Khan refused to apologise or appear before the Maharashtra Women’s Commission in the controversy over his
remark on rape.
Sources said Salman informed the women’s panel that they don’t have jurisdiction in such matters.
MSCW chief Vijaya Rahatkar told reporters.’Salman Khan has filed his response to Maharashtra State Commission for women notice issued yesterday. The MSCW is going through contents of Salman’s reply and will soon decide its next course of action’.
It all began when the Salman quoted by a Bollywood news website saying that after his hectic wrestling shoots for Sultan, in
which he plays a wrestler along with co-star Anushka Sharma , the actor apparently felt like “a raped woman”.