New Delh: Actor Raza Murad on Sunday backed Salman Khan’s remark on the hanging of 1993 Bombay blasts accused Yakub Memon, saying the Bollywood actor has full right to express his opinion as a citizen of a democratic nation.
“That’s Salman’s personal opinion, he has a right to express opinion as a citizen of a democratic nation,” Murad told ANI here.
In a controversial tweet, Salman has said that 1993 Yakub Memon should not be hanged as the real culprit is the latter’s brother Tiger Memon.
Yakub Memon has been sentenced to death for his role in the 1993 Mumbai blasts.
The Supreme Court had earlier this week rejected his last-minute appeal and upheld his hanging for July 30.
Yakub had challenged the apex court’s order arguing that legal procedure was overlooked in awarding him death penalty. He said that the special TADA (Terrorists and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) court, which ordered him death warrant in 2007, did so before he could exhaust all his legal options.