Sale of liquor increased in Hyderabad November 1, 2017 by shameen In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq) In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq) In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq) In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq) In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq) In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq) In Hyderabad city the sale of liquor is increased. The Government itself had admitted this fact. (Photo:Laeeq)