Bangalore: Salaam Centre conducted a historic introduction and distribution Program of Quran at City Civil Court of Bengaluru to clear the misconceptions about Islam and the holy book. Over 8000 advocates witnessed the event.
Salaam Centre is engaged in spreading the truth about Islam and clearing the beliefs, misconceptions contaminated all over.
The Salaam Centre displayed “Misconceptions billboards” in more than 15 prominent locations in Bangalore and invited people to read the book ISLAM, Facts vs Fictions, a book to remove the misconceptions about Islam & Muslims, thousand of people were received the copies of the books from Salaam Centre. This book is available in English and the Translation is available in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Assami & Urdu languages, and this book is also available in E-book in web worldwide, millions are getting benefited from it.