All India Trinamool Congress leader Saket Gokhale has filed a complaint against Hindutva leaders who provoked violence against religious minorities through their speeches, in the three-day hate conclave organised in Uttarakhand.
The complaint has been filed against the spiteful Hindutva flagbearer Yati Narsinghanand, the organizer of the “dharma Sansad”, Sagar Sindhu Maharaj, Dharma Das Maharaj and Premanand Maharaj, for allegedly making “inflammatory and provocative speeches, inciting violence” against the minorities, especially Muslims, at the conclave held at Ved Niketan Dham, between December 17 to 20.
Videos from the three-day Haridwar conclave have surfaced on social media, where various personalities spew hate openly against religious minorities with the slogan ‘shastra mev jayte’.
The conclave was attended by other Hindutva leaders some of whom are facing charges for similar offences, including BJP leader Ashwini Upadhyay.
Gokhale in his complaint said that the four accused have committed offences under sections 153A (The act of promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste, community or any other group) and 295A (punishment for deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage the religious feelings of any class by insulating its religion or the religious beliefs) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
The offences listed above are cognizable and the police is obliged to file a First Information Report (FIR) within 24 hours of receiving a complaint.
Gokhale has asked for the leaders and organizers of the event to be booked and arrested for inciting religious and communal violence. He has also demanded an action report from the police no latter than December 27.