Witnessing the support that actress Deepika Padukone has been receiving these days after her Race 2 dumping act, it looks like the actress is back to producer Ramesh Taurani’s pavilion. After Deepika dumped Race 2, she not only enraged the producer, but her Race 2 co-stars too were possibly miffed with her.
Deepika received a royal ignore from John Abraham and Saif Ali Khan at Rohit Dhawan’s marriage ceremony in Goa. But refuting all such rumoured gestures, Saif is all praise for the actress. Deepika will be romancing Saif in Race 2 as well as in Cocktail.
Making few balancing statements, Saif kept himself on the safe side by calling Dippy a ‘thorough professional.’ Saif also said that he isn’t bothered about what Deepika decides to do. So, if there isn’t any such issue between the duo, why did Saif choose to ignore Dippy at the party?