A senior Delhi Police officer on Wednesday detailed the operation that led to the arrest of Asaram Bapu’s son Narayan Sai and three others im Pipli, Kurukshetra.
Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch) S.B.K Singh said the arrest of Sai took long because he presented a false identity and several excuses. It was only after he was brought to Delhi and interrogated that he revealed his identity.
Briefing media here , Singh said, ” Delhi police has arrested Narayan Sai along with his three accomplice Bhakt Hanuman, driver Ramesh, and a juvenile. ACP K.P.S Malhotra and DCP Kumar Gyanesh were monitoring the day-to-day activities. Additional Commissioner of Police Ravindra Yadav was supervising the operation,”
“From the contact details provided by Gujarat Police, we found out that one of the close contacts of Ramesh driver was not found in his premises in Rohini. We looked out for him, and when he was found, he agreed to cooperate with us in the case,” Singh added.
“After this, we got a tip-off from him that Narayan Sai, and his accomplices, could be in Punjab. We zeroed in on the location, and got another information that he could be in Ludhiana. We sent a team there, who did not find him when they reached the place,” said Singh.
From locals more information gathered there and police found that Sai had left in a silver Ford Ecosport SUV, with UP registration plate, and that he maybe headed towards Delhi.
The police headquarters in Delhi was alerted. Teams were dispatched to Chandigarh, Meerut, Zirakpur, Ambala, Kurukshetra. The teams were specifically deployed at major diversions on the National Highways.
The team posted in Ambala, found the mentioned vehicle moving at a high speed. The team followed the vehicle and intercepted it in Popli, near Kurukshetra .
“When inquired, they gave all kinds of excuses and presented false identities. All the other teams were rushed to the place and were brought to Delhi. During interrogation, they revealed their identities,” said Singh.
The police found two lakh and sixty thousand rupees along with six mobile phones which they were carrying with them.
Surat police had registered two complaints – one against Asaram and the other against his son Sai of rape, sexual assault and illegal confinement as alleged by two sisters on October 6.
Earlier on November 11, a local court declared Sai a proclaimed absconder under section 82 of CrPC, and asked him to appear before investigating officer or court within 30 days from the day of declaration of “proclamation for person absconding”.
The elder of the two sisters has accused Asaram of sexually assaulting her between 1997 and 2006 at his ashram, while the younger sister has filed a complaint against Sai, accusing him of repeated sexual assaults between 2002 and 2005 at the Surat ashram.
Asaram, 72, was arrested on September 1 on allegations of sexual assault on a minor at his ashram in Jodhpur. (ANI)