New Delhi: Recently, Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Mr. Jayant Sinha had garlanded eight persons who are convicted in mob lynching case. Condemning Mr. Sinha’s step, former Mumbai Police Commissioner, Mr. Julio Ribeiro, former Chief Information Commissioner, Mr. Wajahat Habibullah and 41 other ex-bureaucrats have asked the government to sack him.
According to the report published in Indian Express, Mr. Sinha had felicitated the convicts after they were released from the jail on bail.
Ex-bureaucrats said that the convicts are felicitated as if they are revolutionaries of the freedom struggle.
It may be mentioned that in the incident of mob lynching, Meat trader Alimuddin Ansari was thrashed to death. This incident had occurred at Bazaar Tand area which falls under the jurisdiction of Ramgarh Police Station on 29th June 2017. He was killed on the suspicion that he was transporting beef.
Eleven persons were convicted by a fast-track court on 21st March. They were sentenced to life imprisonment. However, on 29th June, eight of 11 convicts got bail from Jharkhand High Court.
Now, former bureaucrats demanded the removal of Mr. Sinha from Union Minister of Council. They also demanded that the party should tender an apology to the people of India.
Apart from Mr. Ribeiro and Mr. Habibullah, these demands were put forward by Former Pune Police Commissioner, Mr. Meeran Borwankar and Former Prasar Bharti CEO, Mr. Jawhar Sircar.
Earlier, after some of the BJP leaders had reportedly supported the accused in Kathua rape and murder case, the ex-civil servants had heavily criticized the central government.