Hyderabad: CLP leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka on Monday alleged that CM KCR was indulging in defection of MLAs belonging to rival political parties in the State. He said they would approach the High Court and Supreme Court against the immoral acts of the Chief Minister. He said they would also prepare an action plan to put an end to the feudal kind of rule of the CM.
Addressing mediapersons at Gandhi Bhavan, Vikramarka alleged that KCR was resorting to immoral acts of inducement with an objective to not have any opposition in the Upper House while noting that it was not good for democracy. He urged the people of the State to keenly observe the acts of the CM, which involved the murder of democracy. he said that there was a need to hold a nation wide discussion on the acts of CM KCR. He also opened his mouth on the news reports of party MLA Sabita Indra Reddy’s likelihood to join the TRS party. He said Sabita would not join the TRS and would continue to be a loyal leader of the party. He quashed the reports that suggested that Sabita Indra Reddy would also join the rival party.