For the first time in its history, fifteen policewomen have been posted for security at the Sabarimala Temple in Kerala. All the posted policewomen are 50 and above, as an apex court’s ban on women of a menstrual age or between 10 and 50 years.
According to the report published in ndtv, many policewomen offered prayers outside the temple’s main area and one of them last visited the shrine to Lord Ayyappa when she was a child.
One of the policewomen said “We have come here on duty. We have a job to do”. The deployed policewomen job is to step in if any woman in the banned age group tries to access the temple.
Last month at least 12 women tried to enter the temple, none could make history as they were blocked by close to a thousand protesters who had placed themselves inside the temple as devotees. One woman even suffered a panic attack.
A large number of devotees, including women, believe courts should not interfere in matters of faith. After its opening today, the temple will close tomorrow at 10 PM.