‘Saaf Hyderabad – Shaandar Hyderabad’ GHMC takes up initiative

Hyderabad: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) under the new leadership envisions making the city of Hyderabad a world class and livable city on a mission mode. GHMC has made significant progress to enhance door-to-door collection, transportation and treatment of municipal solid waste as part of its ‘Saaf Hyderabad – Shaandar Hyderabad’ initiative.

However, waste segregation, prevalence of garbage vulnerable points and behavior change among citizens continue to be main points for GHMC. Of waste, not littering and proper usage of public toilet facilities is imperative for enhancing and maintaining sanitation in the city. Cities like Indore, Mysore, Bhopal etc. present important lessons with regard to behavior change and citizen led sanitation improvements.

GHMC aims to learn from these experiences to improve the sanitation situation across all 150 wards of the city on a mission mode. GHMC plans to undertake the pilot initiatives in 22 wards of the city which are to be identified by Ecopro Environmental Services Ltd. and Basix Waste Management Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (organizations supporting the city of Indore) as technical and strategic partners for this endeavor.

Additionally, GHMC plans to procure NGOs to facilitate deployment of Swacchta Ward Action Team (one team member in each ward) in all 150 wards to create general awareness on safe sanitation practices. GHMC has sought the support of ASCI in procurement of technical and strategic partners, procurement of NGOs and provide overall knowledge support to the Project.
To implement the project successfully in all 150 wards, GHMC have appointed Location Specific Officer in each ward and weekly review meetings will conducted in all the six zones. As a part of Saaf Hyderabad – Shaandar Hyderabad Project, an event called MYFI – CIFI (My Fitness – City Fitness) will be held at 6 am on May 12 at Party Zone, NTR Park, Hyderabad.
