Russia”s Deputy PM says Sochi guests under `video surveillance` in hotel bathrooms

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak has reportedly revealed that at least some guests are under video surveillance in their own bathrooms at their hotels in Sochi.

This revelation comes after journalists, coming in to cover the 2014 Winter Olympics, complained about ”rough around the edges” accommodations, ranging from broken heating units and dirty tap water to missing trash cans.

According to The Verge, Kozak, who was attempting to argue that foreign journalists were intentionally working to paint the Sochi Games as a disaster, revealed during a press conference that they have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day.

Following Kozak”s statement, the report mentioned that an aide quickly diverted the conversation and prevented any follow-up questions concerning bathroom video surveillance.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Kozak has said that there is no surveillance of occupied hotel rooms or bathrooms and suggested that that the footage Kozak referred to was captured while the hotels were being built and cleaned in preparation for the Games.

Heavy-handed surveillance was expected in Sochi, which has turned into the most expensive Olympics of all, with Russia deploying a so-called ”ring of steel” around the city to protect it from possible terror threats, the report added. (ANI)