Hyderabad: In a major twist to the Rukhsarunnisa marriage, the Hyderabad police have named the girl’s parents Mohammed Afsar and Afzal Begum alias Sayeedunnisa as accused for her marriage to a 65-year-old Omani national, Sheikh Ahmed Khalid Abdullah. However the police have decided not to arrest Rukhsar’s parents.
It must be recalled that Rukhsar’s parents themselves had initially filed a police complaint and told the cops that their daughter got married without their knowledge, after falling into the trap of some agents.
As reported by TOI, her parents could be seen in photographs and a video of Rukhsar’s nikah, which clearly showed that they were aware of her marriage.
Police sources said that Rukhsar’s parents knowingly got her married to an aged person that too by creating fake documents with the help of the now arrested Mumbai-based qazi to show her as major and submitting the documents to the minorities department in Mumbai. However when they fell out with the agents over dispute in sharing money, they approached the police with a request to rescue her.