Mumbai: Actor Abhinav Shukla has turned a year older on Monday. Marking the special day, Abhinav’s wife and ‘Bigg Boss 14’ winner Rubina Dilaik penned a heartfelt post for her ‘gentleman’ on Instagram.
“You have defined the true meaning of a Gentleman ! Your learning zeal in life , your way of living simply, protecting your loved ones, helping others and so much more that every-time I see a new YOU , I grow (not fall) in Love over and over again! Thank you for Being You , and This YOU is worth celebrating not just once a year but every day …. Happy Birthday my Sunshine @ashukla09,” she wrote.
Abhinav and Rubina became the talk of the town with their stint on ‘Bigg Boss 14’. The two had revealed on the show that they were on the verge of getting a divorce when they decided to give their relationship a chance and entered the 14th season of ‘Bigg Boss‘.
Their innings on the show helped them resolve their differences and they later came out as a happily married couple