RSS chief Bhagwat to be in Jaipur from January 25-29

Jaipur: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat will be on a five day visit to Jaipur from January 25 to 29.

As per the schedule, Bhagwat will reach Jaipur on January 25 and will stay till January 29. He will participate in the Republic Day programme at Keshav Vidyapeeth Jamdoli school on January 26 and will hoist the flag in the morning. On January 27, he will hold a meeting of department level union workers of Jaipur province. Similarly, on January 28 and 29, he will attend the meetings of various level workers of the Sangh.

During this, the preparations for the centenary year of the Sangh will also be discussed. In the meetings there will be brainstorming on activities going towards social change such as family enlightenment, village development, cow service, social harmony and environment.

This is a regular stay of the Sarsanghchalak, which happens once in two years in each province. In a regular cycle, the province gets the stay of the Sarsanghchalak once in a year and the Sarkaryavah for the second time. During this, various works going in the direction of social change are discussed, said Mahendra Singh Maggo, Jaipur Prant Sanghachalak.