Health Minister Dr C Lakshma Reddy today announced to release Rs 2 crore for speedy completion of hospital works at Ameerpet in Sanathnagar constituency. Along with Cinematography and Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav, Lakshma Reddy made a visit to the 30-bed hospital whose works are on sluggish pace. Srinivas Yadav apprised the pending works to the health minister stating that Rs 2.79 crore sanctioned in 2013 and works delayed due to paucity of funds and sought speedy completion to provide better health services.
Health Minister stated that the bed capacity will be increased to 50 from 30 beds and give more funds if necessary. Our aim is to construct four new hospitals with 750 bed capacity on part with the standards of Gandhi Hospital and Osmania General Hospital in the twin cities. To fulfill this aim of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao efforts are being made to find suitable locations like Chandanagar and Miyapur he said. Later Srinivas Yadav asked the health minister to set up a multi specialty hospital for Chitrapuri Colony wherein 10,000 cinema artistes are living at Manikonda. Land is available for the hospital and IT Minister KT Rama Rao gave assurance in this regard, he added. (NSS)