Mumbai:Rs 48 lakh cash, including Rs 45 lakh in the new Rs 2,000 denomination, has been seized from an angadia (courier) firm owner in Zaveri Bazaar, a bullion trade hub here, police said today.
Acting on a tip-off, sleuths of unit 2 of the crime branch nabbed the angadia firm owner Vasant Revadia on Sunday (December 25) with the cash, they added.
Revadia was transporting the cash from his Kalbadevi office to Zaveri Baazar, a senior police official said.
He was nabbed and asked the source of the cash, which he was carrying in a bag, the officer added.
Revadia was detained after he did not give a satisfactory reply, he added.
“Mumbai Police have caught one angadia with the cash and also informed Income Tax department about the seizure,” Joint Commissioner (Crime) Sanjay Saxena said.