TRS MP Kavitha today said Rs 300 crore will be spent for taking up development works in Navipet mandal in Nizamabad. The State government will strengthen the hostels with all facilities and give laptops to SC and ST students, she said.
Kavitha participated in Polytechnic Collegebuilding inauguration at Nizamabad along with Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam Srihari, Agriculture Minister Pocharam Srinivas Reddy and others.
Speaking on the occasion, the MP said the hostels will get all facilities to ensure that the students feel at home. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has started residential schools in a big way. The State government also launched model schools like nowhere in the country, she said. Facilities will be improved in education and health sectors on priority basis. The students planning to pursue higher education abroad can get Rs 20 lakh from the government, the MP said.
Srihari said the Telangana Government is only the state in the country to launch 522 Gurukul Schools. “We will launch the GovernmentCollege in Navipet next year”, he said, adding that the previous government sanctioned the colleges and forgot to set up them. He claimed that the government schools witnessing 90 per cent admissions and strength increased in the colleges and schools. The Government was committed for streamlining the education with better infrastructure and facilities. “We will focus on improving standards and give necessary training to the students to make them job ready, he said.
Srinivas Reddy said the Chief Minister is giving top priority for welfare by spending Rs 40,000 crore. He also said Kavitha’s efforts fructified to complete Peddapally Railway line and spent Rs 300 crore for it. The government will supply 24 hours power for agriculture if the farmers are ready, he added. (NSS)