The State Government allotted Rs 15 cr for conduct of tradition Bonalu Festival from July 15 to August 6, according to Home Minister Nayini Narsimha Reddy. He was addressing a press conference on Bonalu arrangements at Secretariat along with Deputy Chief Minister Mahamood Ali, Endowment Minister A Indrakaran Reddy and ministers Padma Rao Goud and Talasani Srinivas Yadav.
Narishma Reddy said that a committee was set up for smooth conduct of the Bonalu festivities and all departments should coordinate for the same for providing all facilities. He asked the GHMC to repair all the roads leading to the temples and lights be fixed up en route. The minister also asked to take steps for traffic regulation, parking, uninterrupted power supply, drinking water and sanitation as part of the state festival. Extending thanks to Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for allotting Rs 15 cr, Narsimha Reddy said that RTC will run 375 special buses to the temples and Bonalu will be conducted in Delhi, Mumbai, Vijayawada and some other countries. He asked Information and cultural wings to make necessary arrangements for the event.
Mahamood Ali said that Hindus and Muslims together celebrate the Bonalu festival in a conducive atmosphere.
Indrakaran Reddy said that the festival will be conducted at Jagadamba Mahankali Temple at Golconda Fort on July 15, at Ujjaini Mahankali Temple in Secunderabad on July 29 and Rangam on 30. In old city the Bonalu will be held on August 5 and related program on the next day. Padma Rao and Srinivas Yadav instructed the officials to coordinate with other wings for peaceful conduct of the Bonalu (NSS).