Rs 13 lakh cash seized by district police

Prodattur, April 30: Police on Friday seized large amounts of cash being brought into the district, suspected to be for distributing among the voters.

Chapadu SI Gurunath and his team seized Rs 13 lakh from a car, while checking the vehicles at his police station.

On being questioned, Phani, the person who was carrying the cash in the car, said that he is from Bellary in Karnataka and was going to Nellore for purchasing gold.

However, he failed to produce any documents or records to support his claim. Citing election code which was in force in the district, the cash was seized and a case was booked.

This is for the first time that such a huge amount was seized in a single instance.

Till date, over Rs 2.2 cr has been seized in the district.

Minister Galla’s car seized

Proddatur: Police seized the car of minister for mines Galla Aruna Kumari on the outskirts of the town on Friday.

Her personal assistant and some others were travelling in it. The police first intercepted the car and made enquiries about the inmates.

Meanwhile, Election Watch leaders reached the spot and demanded seizure of the vehicle for using it without permission.
