Agriculture Minister, S Niranjan Reddy today said that the government will waive Rs 1 lakh loan for the farmers. He informed media persons at Secretariat here that the government is committed for farmers’ welfare. Already Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has made it clear that the amount of Rs 1 lakh will be waived off for the farmers which will be a major reprieve. KCR has said during the poll campaign about this and officials will take steps. He alleged that the opposition parties are making politics for mileage while the farmers have complete confidence in our government.
Earlier, he released a book of the Agricultural Officers and claimed that for the government has been implementing several welfare schemes for the farmers. In addition to giving free power to the farming activity, the government spends Rs 40000 crore for welfare schemes alone. The government launched Rythu Bhima, Rythu Bandhu, Mission Bhagirtha, he claimed. Niranjan Reddy said that now the Centre is replicating similar schemes and using other names.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks of doubling the income of farmers by 2022 but ignored our pleas for funds for Kaleshwaram. The center denied Rs. 24000 crore despite Niti Ayog recommendation to the state, he fumed. He said that agriculture offices in the state will get facilities on getting a report and nod from KCR. We plan to build new offices and set up a committee to promote officials in the agriculture sector.