Hyderabad: After the inceassant rain on Tuesday and Sunday the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) are testing the water quality to ensure to water borne dieses.
In the last 24 hours the HMWSSB obtained 10,400 samples of drinking water and conducted water quality tests.
KT Rama Rao asked the officials ensure that no pollution of drinking water occurs.
HMWSSB is taking up the work at a cost of Rs.1.20 crore, to repair the damaged water and sewer lines.
Households are called upon to clear and sanitise all the water contained in sumps and tanks with bleaching powder.
In addition, chlorine tabs were also provided to be combined as a precautionary measure in drinking water to prevent any water-borne diseases.
The HMWSSB has produced proposals for cleaning and minor repairs to tanks at a cost of Rs.50 lakh. Apart from this, Rs. 5 lakh was approved by each General Manager to clean up reservoirs within the limits of the Outer Ring Road.