Hyderabad: “A 11-year-old Royal Bengal Tiger named as Kadamba died at Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad,” stated Zoo officials on Sunday.
The tiger was brought to the Hyderabad Zoo from Pilukula Biological Park, Mangalore, Karnataka in the year 2014 via an animal exchange programme.
“Kadamba did not show any apparent signs of illness, but was off feed frequently, for the last few days, for which he was under observation of the Zoo Veterinarians,” said the veterinary expert.
Post mortem was conducted by the Veterinary expert team headed by Prof. Laxman, Head, Dept. of Pathalogy, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Dr. Devender, Asst. Director, VBRI, Shantinagar, Hyderabad, Dr.Vijay Bhasker Reddy, VBRI, Shantinagar, Hyderabad, Dr. Sadanand Sontakke, Prl.Scientist, LaCONES- CCMB, Attapur, Hyd, Dr. M.Navin Kumar, Dy. Director (Retd), Consultant Zoo, Dr. M.A.Hakeem, Dy.Director, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and zoo veterinarians in the. That too, in presence of the Director, Zoo Parks, Telangana State and Curator , Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad
As per the post-mortem report, the cause of death of the animal was shock due to congestive heart failure. All the required blood and tissue samples were collected and sent to College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranager, Hyderabad, Veterinary Biological Research Institute, Shantinagar, and LaCONES-CCMB, Attapur for further detailed examination.
With the passing away of Kadamba, the Nehru Zoological Park has 11 Royal Bengal Tigers (Yellow) (eight adults and three cubs), and nine Royal Bengal Tigers (white) adults. Out of these three Royal Bengal Tigers (Yellow) Roja (21 years old), Soni (20 years old) and Aparna (19 years old) have already surpassed average lifespan.