Mumbai: TV actress Roop Durgapal known for popular television shows like “Balika Vadhu” and “Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi” is on cloud nine these days. As she is enjoying the club of millions of fan going crazy on her voice.
After being appreciated and receiving many awards for her acting skills now she is amazingly grabbing the hearts of people around the globe in her singing profession.
Recently she recreated Bollywood songs from blockbuster movies like “Hum Apke Hain Kaun” and “Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Tha” which has been becoming the trend on the Internet and is going viral like a Jungle Fire.
Roop looks amazingly beautiful. She has become amazingly sexier and attractive. Her style is leaving Hina Khan’ fashion aside. No doubt she has become strong competition for others in the entertainment industry.