Role of private detective agencies in monitoring SSC exams – Siasat’s exposé proved correct

Hyderabad: Seven cases of impersonation and 6 cases of mass copying were detected in the old city examination centers of SSC. In order to curb mass copying activities, the officials of School Education have decided to commission the services of private detective agencies. This was first disclosed by Siasat Urdu Daily.

According to the details furnished by DEO of Hyderabad, Mr. Ramesh, seven impersonation cases occurred in Hyderabad in which Jawahar High School, Yakutpura (2 cases); Salahuddin High School, Yakutpura (2 cases); Imam Zamana Mission Sajjadia Girls High School, Yakutpura (1 case) and Salalah High School, Barkas (2 cases) were found.

Mr. Ramesh also told that in Hyderabad, 337 examination centers have been setup and for monitoring them, 133 flying squads have been constituted. DEO himself inspected 8 examination centers. He informed that the persons who were playing the role of middlemen were arrested and handed over to various police stations. Special vigil has been maintained on the middlemen who are arranging impersonation and indulging in aiding mass copying. It is also suspected that some of the managements of private schools are involved in these activities.

It is reported that in Jawahar High Schools, 6 cases of mass copying and two cases of impersonation and in Salahuddin High School two cases of impersonation were detected. It is said that the candidates involved in this cases belonged to the relatives of the management. In some cases, it is also suspected that the officials of School Education are involved. Action is being taken against them.

–Siasat News