University of Hyderabad is witnessing the eleventh day of ongoing strike and the fourth day of indefinite hunger strike in its campus since the death of Rohits Vemula. On Wednesday 27th of January there was a pan India varsity strike. Students and staff from Mumbai University, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai, Calicut University, JNTU, Pottisriramulu University, Telangana University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and neighboring Maulana Azad National Urdu University along with several other Universities and colleges were closed to go on strike in solidarity with the ongoing student movement. Inside the campus of UoH several rallies were organized. Protesters gathered in front of interim VC’s house and raised slogans for the justice. Effigy of Appa Rao, Bipin Srivastava and Smiriti Irani were set on fire at the main gate of the university.
Much-debated Rohith’s suicid is yet to get the justice. The demands and pleadings of the Joint action Committee have fallen on deaf fascist government. The students of ASA (Ambedkar Student Association), SFI (Student Federation of India), NSUI (National Student Union of India) and other parties are toiling to support the cause inside the campus and across nation. Alleged Appa Rao has gone on indefinite vacation leaving the whole academics of the university paralyzed.
As far as the legal side of it is concerned, letter has been received from MHRD, counter affidavit is filed by the university in the high court. The counter affidavit filed by CV Anand showing evidences and facts about the case raises numerous questions on involved authorities and individuals. Surprisingly, yesterday, MHRD panel held university administration responsible for Vemula’s suicide. Story seems to be contradictory with the fact that letters were exchanged between Smiriti Irani, Bandaru Dattareya and Appa Rao. These are only making the case further complicated.
The saddening part is that in spite of giving justice to dead Rohith his character is being assassinated. He has been accused of forged SC caste certificate. His mother is being politically targeted for selfish motives of the various political parties.
An independent, impartial, speedy and efficient judicial system is the very essence of a progressive nation. Our judiciary, owing to its very nature of functioning, has become ponderous, extremely slow and somewhat inefficient. Justice delayed is justice denied as we have been witnessing this in the past ten days of this case. The plethora of support from students and other parties has started to lose the hope and momentum. The continuing and growing number of tragic suicides of students belonging to marginalize section of society makes it imperative that the Rohith law be enacted. And that is the demand of students, Joint Action Committee, the whole country and not to forget Rohith’s family.
-Shahamat Hussain
Student of MA in Communication,
University of Hyderabad