Police taking members of various student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a Dalit research scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday UNI
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-45U
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-44U
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-43U
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-42U
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-41U
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-40U
NEW DELHI, JAN 27 (UNI)- Police thaking members of varuous student organisations into custody while they staged a protest against the suicide of Rohit Vemula, a a Dalit reasearch scholar of Hyderabad University. in New Delhi on Wednesday. UNI PHOTO-39U