More than 720,000 Rohingya have fled the western state of Myanmar since August 2017 after the military conducted “clearance operations,” sending a stream of refugees to neighbouring Bangladesh with accounts of rape, arson and mass killings — acts that UN investigators say amounts to “genocide” by the military generals.
Rohingyas is a Muslim minority group of Myanmar who is facing atrocities in their homeland. Myanmar does not acknowledge these persecuted Rohingyas as their citizen and restricts their rights. Basic life support needs are denied to them. Myanmar considers them ‘Bengalis’ and alleges that they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. On the other hand, Bangladesh denies acknowledging them as their citizen.
Many Rohingya families were torn apart by massacre and were imprisoned. One of the prisoners sent a letter to his home and AJplus has covered the story. Watch the heartbreaking coverage of Rohingya’s massacre by AJplus.
Rohingya families were torn apart by massacre and prison. Here's how these letters offer a rare source of hope.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) January 1, 2019