Robots unlikely to take over manufacturing jobs

A landmark report on production in Australia suggests that robots will not take over manufacturing jobs, but enhance future employment opportunities.

But as demand for workers with a higher level of skills grows, some workers will find themselves at risk of displacement, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

The report by the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency said that lightweight assistive systems will facilitate humans’ work in factories, resulting in jobs with more high-value tasks and fewer repetitive tasks and physically demanding activities such as weight-lifting and tool-picking.

It said that integrating new technologies such as in mechanical and electrical manufacturing will mean that workers need skills to operate and manage computerised and technological advances in machinery and equipment.

These changes will put pressure on parts of the existing workforce, particularly those in lower skilled or manual roles.

As demand for workers with higher-level skills grows, some workers will find themselves at risk of displacement, particularly if they work in a sector which is contracting, or in a lower-skilled occupation. (ANI)