Robert Downey Jr. counsels drug addict son

Actor Robert Downey Jr. reportedly has been trying to help his son with his drug addiction.

The “Iron Man 3” star, who has battled with substance abuse in the past, has been providing counselling for his oldest son Indio, 20, reports
“Because of Robert’s own strugglem, he’s very much in tune with his son’s sobriety. And that has really helped Indio,” said a source.

Indio, whose mother is Robert’s ex-wife Deborah Falconer, has reportedly been in and out of rehab centres for many years, but has managed to stay clean until recently.
Recently, however, Indio was booked for possession of cocaine, but was released soon after posting $10,000 bail.

The 49-year-old father released a statement Sunday claiming his son “likely inherited” his weakness for substance abuse, but will hopefully overcome it.

He said: “Unfortunately, there’s a genetic component to addiction and Indio has likely inherited it. There is a lot of family support and understanding, and we’re all determined to rally behind him and help him become the man he’s capable of being.”

“We’re grateful to the Sheriff’s department for their intervention, and believe Indio can be another recovery success story instead of a cautionary tale.”