Roads and Buildings Minister Tummala Nageshwar Rao today directed the officials to prepare detailed project reports (DPRs) pertaining to proposed national highways to NHAI by Sept. He held a review meeting on his Delhi tour and Centre’s nod to upgrade 650 km roads as national highways at Secretariat. The highway proposals include four-way national highway by converting two-way highways given through passenger cable unit.
He also asked to prepare DPRs for the proposals of state roads to be developed as national highways in the wake of Centre giving financial support. The minister said that the DPRs should be submitted to NHAI in Delhi by Sept. Nageshwar Rao also said that the new four-way lane proposed should be developed as regional ring road around Hyderabad and plan for growth corridor. In the meeting the minister discussed on the newly permitted national highways including Sanga Reddy (NH 161) – Narsapur, Toopran –Gajwel-Jagevpur-Bhongir, Choutuppal (NH 65) -140 km and Choutuppal (NH-65)- Ibrahimpatnam-Amangal-Shadnagar-Chevella-Shankarpalli-Kandi -160 km. This highway should be developed as growth corridor around Hyderabad he said. With efforts of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao with the Centre the State gets additionally 2600 km national highways in addition to 1952 km highways previously permitted he said. (NSS)