On a day when Janata Dal (U) leader Nitish Kumar is all set to be sworn-in as chief minister of Bihar for a third term, the state is reeling under tension after a road accident took a communal colour, and clashes broke out which killed four people including inspector and a civilian.
The incident took place in Lalganj municipality in Vaishali district of Bihar. According to reports Mohammed Rizwan lost control of a vehicle he was driving, and killed 60-year-old businessman Rajendra Chaudhary, and his granddaughter Sapna on Wednesday.
Police arrested Rizwan the same day and brought the situation under control, but tension arose on Thursday morning after locals heard that Rizwan had been let off by police and about 1,000 people gathered around Rizwan’s house and got into clashes in the area. ‘
The angry mob set ablaze at least 10 houses. The situation turned more violent when stone pelting and exchange of bullets took place from both sides. It began at 9 am and continued till 2 pm,” Prakash said.
Police were deployed after the mob began setting fire to vehicles and homes. The angry mob lynched a police sub-inspector Ajit Kumar.
The government announced compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the sub-inspector’s family and Rs 4 lakh to families of other victims.
Locals told The Indian Express that some people were trying to communalise the events because of political rivalries and recent elections. Nitish Kumar will be sworning in at a huge event not far from Lalganj today, with many national leaders in attendance.