Hyderabad: In an unfortunate incident, a resident of Hyderabad named Neha Reddy Maddika succumbed to injuries caused in a road collision in Austin, Texas. The accident occurred in the wee hours of November 7 when Reddy’s car collided with another vehicle.
According to the local Austin-Travis Country Emergency Medical Services, four people reportedly were taken to the local hospitals following the crash. Of them, Reddy is known to have suffered severe brain injuries to which she later succumbed, at Dell Seton Medical Center.
On the crowd-funding platform GoFundMe, Reddy’s friends sought donations to initiate her last rights and send the mortal remains to her family in Hyderabad. The organizer of the fundraiser, Priyanka, wrote that Neha was “very talkative, energetic, hard-working, motivated, and always cared about others.”
The fundraiser also mentions that the deceased does not have any immediate family in the United States and that her family is already facing hardships coping with the death of her father (Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy) six months ago.
“You’ll be remembered forever!” Priyanka wrote in the post.