New Delhi: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MP Manoj Jha on Wednesday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing indignation on behalf of the party and the people of Bihar, over NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant’s “insensitive statement” against the state.
“I am writing this letter with deep pain inflicted upon the people of Bihar by the callous and brazenly insensitive statement made by the CEO of the NITI Aayog Mr Amitabh Kant during a lecture in a University in New Delhi,” Jha wrote.
Speaking at the first Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Memorial Lecture at Jamia Millia Islamia University, on Tuesday, Kant said that states in India’s eastern region like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are keeping India backward, especially on social indicators.
In the letter, Jha said that the government’s shortcoming in developing Bihar, particularly Centre’s unfulfilled promise of providing the state with a special package of Rs 1,25,003 crore, were needed to be looked into, instead of blaming the “victim.”
“If the Ministry of Finance, of the Government of India is not releasing money promised by you for development of Bihar, then I think the various departments and institutions of Central Government should look into the causes of the same rather than blaming Bihar for its own backwardness… isn’t it blaming the Victim, Sir?” Jha questioned.
The Parliamentarian said that the Prime Minister himself, on his visit to Arrah in 2015, had promised the special package.
Stating that people of Bihar were paying the price for the indifference and incompetence of those at the helm, Jha concluded, “I appeal you to reinstate the sanctity of the principle of cooperative federalism and affirmative action in state policy and not unleash the demons of competition among unequal. On behalf of my party and the people of Bihar, I earnestly request you to look into the demand of Bihar for special status by going beyond the narrow political considerations.” (ANI)