New Delhi [India], July 17 (ANI): RJ Malishka, who became controversies’ favourite child when she released a song last year, titled ‘Mumbai Tula maajhyavar bharosa naay ka’, is all set to take Mumbai by storm with her new song.The song ‘Mumbai gaeli khadyaat’ (Loosely translating to- Mumbai has gone to potholes) is a commentary on the political system and the pothole situation in the city.She posted the video on Instagram with the caption, “Full song in bio. #Mumbairains #padlokhaddyaat #gelikhaddyaat @redfmindia”
The song is based on the tunes of the hit Marathi song ‘Zhing Zhing Zhingat’ from the blockbuster movie ‘Sairaat’.Last year, RJ Malishka was asked to pay a fine of Rs. 10,000 for defaming the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) by posting a ‘defamatory’ video. (ANI)