Hyderabad: On Thursday, a tender process took place in Telangana State Wakf Board for Dargah Hazrat Syed Sadullah Hussaini. The bid was won by a resident of Jaipur, Mr. Riyaz Khan. The contract was awarded for 3.16 crore pa.
According to the report published in The Hans India, the devout expressed an apprehension that contract for such a huge amount will put them under monetary stress.
It may be mentioned that the dargah is located in Badapahad in Jalalpur village in Varni Mandal of Nizamabad District. People from various states visit the dargah.
It is alleged that every year, whoever wins the bid passes on the burden of the contract on the pilgrim. Earlier, the contract was offered for Rs. 2.22 crore.
A social activist by name Talha Kaseri suggested that the Wakf Board should monitor the arrangements at the dargah to know how pilgrims are treated.